Rocks are solid aggregates made up of one or more different minerals.

The behavior and chemical composition of a rock change the properties of the stone itself.

Therefore, it is important to know some of the characteristics of minerals and hardness is one of them, which can be of greater or lesser resistance when scratched or when particles are removed from its surface. The Mohs scale was established by mineralogist Friedrich Mohs in 1812.

It was assembled using 10 minerals that have hardness rated from 1 to 10,

with 1 being the softest and least scratch resistant mineral and 10 the hardest and most scratch resistant mineral. Thus, the higher the value on the scale, the greater the ability of a mineral to scratch others and the lesser its ability to be scratched. The scale The 10 minerals that make up the Mohs scale are: Talc: hardness

1. Gypsum: hardness

2. Calcite: hardness

3. Fluorite: hardness

4. Apatite: hardness

5. Feldspar: hardness

6. Quartz: hardness

7. Topaz: hardness

8. Corindón: hardness

9. Diamond: hardness

10. To carry out the qualification of a mineral within this scale in a practical way, just scratch it with some materials of known hardness, such as nails, copper coins (hardness 2 to 3), penknife or glass (both with hardness 7).

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